Source: Union Accuses Movie Studios of Bilking Musicians on Reused Music | Variety
A message from President John Acosta: Why union membership is important for musicians
Musicians Union Sues Interstellar Robocop | Variety
Go Paperless with the Film Fund!
Keeping the Score
LAANE, the LA Alliance for a New Economy, has produced a groundbreaking, comprehensive study, authored by Jon Zerolnick, titled “Keeping the Score: the impact of recapturing North American film and television sound recording work”. While the report focuses on Southern California, it presents a powerful model for approaching employment of musicians in the entertainment industry throughout North America.
This report concludes that by increasingly offshoring recording work, Hollywood studios and production companies are saving relatively small amounts of money. These savings, however, have disproportionate costs for musicians, taxpayers, and the broader economy. Hollywood can easily afford to meet the top employment standards for musicians, thereby not only providing ample quality employment, but strengthening domestic economies.
Who gets left out of all those tax incentives? Musicians
Important U.S. Pension Legislation Alert
AFM-EPF Trustees
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