Negotiations – SRLA

This Thursday, we wrapped up a round of negotiations for our AFM Sound Recording Labor Agreement – the SRLA. These negotiations are between the AFM and the major record labels – UMG, Sony, Warner-Chapel and Hollywood Records (Disney). Each of the major labels represent any number of smaller subsidiary labels as well, and some other independent labels sign on to the SRLA once our negotiations conclude. 

There are different types of meetings each day of negotiations. Our AFM team meets in a large caucus room each day, planning, evaluating and talking about issues. At various times the companies join us in this large room for formal “across the table” negotiating sessions. The labels are represented by counsel; Bernie Plum and Michael Lebowich from Proskauer Rose act as lead negotiators for the companies, and each company sends their own representatives.

Our labor side is lead by AFM President Ray Hair, and includes rank and file, staff, officer and legal counsel support. Representatives from the RMA included Neil Stubenhaus and Marc Sazer in formal roles, along with Bruce Bouton and Tom Wild from Nashville RMA, Roger Blanc, Gail Kruvand and Mike Sayre from RMA-NY, and Don Foster and Tom Rizzo from RMALA. IEB participants included Canadian Vice President Alan Willaert, International VP Bruce Fife and Executive Officers Dave Pomeroy and Tino Gagliardi, as well as Secretary-Treasurer Sam Folio. Local Presidents included John Acosta from LA and Pat Hollenbeck from Boston, other Local Officers attended as well. Legal counsel representing us at these meetings were Patricia Polach and Abigail Carter from Bredhoff & Kaiser. Staff from both significant Locals and the AFM were in support, and a key part of our team is EMSD Administrator Pat Varriale. We were very fortunate to have observers Stefanie Taub and Sidney White from SAG-AFTRA.

We will be returning to the table later in February in Los Angeles.

Stay tuned for more!

Marc Sazer
