Monthly Archives: August 2009

Health Care Town Halls

Health care is a central issue for musicians. As Congress winds up its summer break, town halls have been scheduled around the country in order for elected representatives to hear from us about health care.
Please use the form provided by to search for a town hall or public event near you. Just plug in your zip code… is a coalition that spans the American labor movement, including our sister performer unions AFTRA and SAG. Click here for a list of coalition partners.

Welcome to the Recording Musicians Association new online presence!

Recording musicians provide the sounds and soul of motion pictures, television, sound recordings, commercial advertisements and much, much more.  Power up your IPod, turn on your radio, TV, Wii or XBox, walk into a movie theater or simply enter any public building, and you will be enveloped by the sounds created and performed by recording musicians.

The RMA works hard to improve the lives of the artists, the musicians, the players, orchestrators, copyists and librarians who bring this music to life.  As a small minority within the American Federation of Musicians we are ever surrounded by other interests, but we never lose sight of the bottom line – the lives and livelihoods of working musicians.